Family Resources
School Supplies
District Programs
The B-ESD’s mission is to educate each student for lifelong success.
The Board will continue evaluating student enrollment and its impact on the facility’s needs for the future. The Board is committed to being good stewards of taxpayer dollars and will implement responsible long-range fiscal planning that addresses the mission and vision of the district.
Implement a Budget Sustainability Plan that meets the following targets:
A Balanced Budget for the 2025-26 School Year
A timeline and plan for building back Policy-required Fund Balance of 5%
Address capital improvements and facility maintenance including safety projects and general maintenance/upkeep projects.
Measure: Completion of projects - Spring/Fall Updates to the Board
Allocate resources across all departments and facilities based on the Strategic Road Map.
Measure: Presentation of resource allocation analysis as part of Equity Policy Update to Board (Time TBD)
Cultural Responsiveness
The Board promotes equity, access and transformational learning opportunities for each student. The Board is committed to developing a culturally responsive workforce representative of Burlington-Edison students and the broader community.
Recruit, support, and retain staff members that reflect and represent the Burlington-Edison community.
Measures: Diversity of Applicant Pool, Diversity of New Hires, Diversity of classified and certificated staff by school and district
(comparison to schools with like demographics), survey data related to ‘sense of belonging')
Districtwide engagement in professional learning through to deepen understanding of culturally responsive classrooms and environments.
Measures: Annual Board update on Professional Learning Opportunities with a focus on Inclusionary Practices and Social Emotional Learning
Increase the representation of all students in extracurricular activities and district programs.
Measure: Student representation in these activities, as reported to the Board as part of Equity Policy Update
Quality Instruction
The Board maintains its strong commitment that Burlington-Edison students exceed Washington State average performance on assessment measures and that the system can deliver quality instruction for each student.
Review student progress towards meeting goals outlined on the Strategic Road Map and individual school improvement plans.
Measures: Progress on state, district and school-based assessments in Reading, Math and language acquisition, and 9th grade success data
- to be presented to the Board at October Board Meeting
Increase on-time and extended graduation rates and postsecondary student success rate as outlined on the Strategic Road Map.
Measure: Graduation Rate for Class of 2024 presented at October Board Meeting
Measure: Post-secondary Student Success Rate from National Clearinghouse Database presented at October Board Meeting for
Class of 2023 and earlier.
Conduct a review of 9-12 Alternative Learning Programs, as well as explore potential K-8 Programs in order to provide more alternatives for students and families.
Measure: Recommendations to the Board from the Alternative Learning Programs Committee related to the future design and program options for students and families.
Successful implementation of classroom strategies and school-wide interventions to meet the needs of all students.
Measure: Implementation of Tier 1 (Classroom) strategies that support all learners, including those with IEPs, as developed by school-based Inclusionary Practices Teams
Measure: Development and alignment of a ‘tiered structure of supports’ at all schools.
Expansion of Dual Language Programs
Measure: Increase program offering by one section in 2024-25
Expansion of Early Learning Opportunities
Measure: Increase Transitional Kindergarten Program (Opportunity K) by one section in 2024-25
Social Emotional Growth
The Board maintains its strong commitment to supporting social-emotional well-being for each student. The district emphasizes social-emotional growth, focusing on hope, positive relationships and students’ self-esteem.
Support professional learning opportunities for B-ESD staff focused on understanding and responding to the social emotional needs of our community.
Measure: Menu of professional learning plan for all teachers related to Social Emotional Learning, Feedback from staff related to quality of these opportunities
Monitor and adjust the implementation of the K-12 social-emotional curriculum and resources in alignment with a tiered model of support.
Measure: Evidence of access to SEL curriculum and resources at all schools.
The Board will continue its strong efforts to engage families and the community in supporting high levels of student achievement.
Build on key strategies to increase and continue removing system barriers for diverse populations.
Measure: Participation of families and community members on committees that represent our student population and community partnerships.
Continue two-way communication with stakeholders and expand opportunities for community advisory participation.
Measure: Recommendations from three community committees focused on District Consolidation/Reconfiguration, High School Scheduling, and Alternative Learning Programs
Address school safety and security by partnering with the City of Burlington and its law enforcement agency.
Measure: Annual update on completed safety projects and emergency procedure trainings for all staff
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