B-ESD Golden Pass

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Golden Pass Program FAQs 

1. What is the Golden Pass Program? 

Golden Pass members receive free admission to all regular season athletic events and scholastic events held in  Burlington-Edison Schools. Members must be 65-years-old or older and a resident of Burlington-Edison School District.  

2. What events are included in the program? 

Any home, regular season sporting events, school plays and concerts. Admission is only valid on the campus of Burlington-Edison.  This pass doesn't apply to reserved seats during the football season.

3. Can multiple people use one Golden Pass card? 

No. Free admission is only offered to Golden Pass members and is not transferable to other family members or  friends. 

4. Can a married couple use one Golden Pass card? 

No. Each spouse would need his/her own card.  

5. How do members obtain a Golden Pass card? 

Applicants should complete an application form. Forms are available on the district website, Burlington-Edison High School Athletic Website, or at the high school. Cards will be mailed to applicants. Cards will not be issued at athletic or school  events.   You may also submit an application online here;

6. Do members have to get a new card each year? 

No. Golden Pass receives lifetime membership in the program. 

7. Isnā€™t this program a gift of public funds? 

No. The Golden Pass Program was approved by the Burlington-Edison High School Associated Student Body in  June 2021. The program falls under RCW 28A.325.010 Fees for optional noncredit extracurricular events.  Programs of this nature have been widely adopted statewide, and are recognized by the Washington  Interscholastic Activities Association.  

8. Who should I contact for more information?  

Tiffany Rainaud-Hinds, 360-757-3353 or Don Beazizo, 360-757-3353

Membership in the Golden Pass Program is offered by the Burlington-Edison School District and the Associated Student Body  of Burlington-Edison High School.