Come check out the Boys & Girls Club after school program Monday - Friday after school until 6 pm at Lucille Umbarger. Elementary School. and Allen Elementary School. Our program is open to all 1st - 8th graders. Students in the program get a snack, dinner and transportation** (if in Burlington School District!) every day. We work on homework daily and then do other academic enrichment activities such as Art, STEM, and Social Emotional activities!
**Please note that transportation will only be provided depending on participation.
Our program is evaluated every year for program quality. Evaluation results made available upon request.
Pick up registration paperwork in the school office!

Brian Gustafson
Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County
Site Coordinator at Lucille Umbarger
(360) 770-7571
Cat Malcom
Site Coordinator at Allen School

All Clubs members must have completed kindergarten or be age 6 to participate in Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County.
Summer Program Begins @ Allen and LU
July 1st- August 9th 8-2 M-F
Ask about our Extended program at LU!