🚨 **Important Announcement** 🚨
Hey everyone,
Sadly, our Instagram account @behstigers has been hacked. To ensure your safety and privacy, please unfollow and report the account immediately.
We have created a new official account: @behstigersasb. Please follow us there for all the latest updates and information.
Thank you for your understanding and support!
Tiger ASB

Attention all: We have noticed a significant increase in spam emails recently. To ensure everyone's safety, we recommend discussing online safety practices with your students. This includes identifying suspicious emails, avoiding clicking on unknown links, and never sharing personal information. Stay vigilant and help keep our community secure. If you have any questions or comments please email us questions@be.wednet.edu

Mark your calendars, folks!
There is No School on Monday, October 14, 2024!

Freshmen Orientation will be on September 3, 2024, from 4:00 - 6:00 pm. All incoming 9th graders and their families can join us in the PAC at 4:00 pm for an information meeting. After the meeting, students will:
- Get their school picture taken for the yearbook and ASB card
- Pick up their school-issued Chromebook
- Pick up their class schedule and get a Free Spirit t-shirt
- Take a campus tour to find all their classes
We will have the BBQ fired up, offering free food to our incoming 9th-grade students and their families. We can't wait to see you on September 3. Welcome to the Tiger Family!

Congratulations to Ms. Konkle's 2nd-period class. Everyone was present and on time. They were rewarded with mini donuts!
Until next time, Tigers... B-E Present and B-E on time.

On May 21st, B-EHS will be engaging all students in an exercise to obtain feedback on how we are doing as a system in serving the needs of our diverse student population. We are implementing a program called Raising Student Voice & Participation (RSVP). This program emanates from the Association of Washington School Principals, housed in their Student Leadership Department .
RSVP will be carried out by student leaders who will be trained to lead their advisory classes in a series of questions. The questions will revolve around Roses and Thorns at B-EHS. All B-EHS students will voice their opinions and student leaders will be collecting valuable information from our students' perspective. We will use this qualitative data to address priorities that will be identified based on specific student feedback. Studens and adults at B-EHS will work together (JUNTOS!) during the next school year and beyond to address the thorns that the students identified and prioritized .
RSVP will be give ALL students @ B-EHS Voice & Choice!!!
Go Tigers!!!
Vamos Tigres!!!

Congratulations to Ms. Bauder's 8th period class. Everyone was present and on time! They were rewarded with unicorn cupcakes.
Until next time Tigers!
B-E present and B-E on time!

Principals week is this week and our ASB kids came over to all our admin offices to give us a thank you card as a token of appreciation. We love serving all our kids at B-EHS!!!

Congratulations to Ms. Zaccardi's 4th period class. Everyone was present and on time! They were rewarded with chocolate, vanilla and lemon blueberry cupcakes AS WELL AS capri suns.
Until next time Tigers, B-E present and B-E on time!
Ms. Gray, Assistant Principal, B-EHS

The Burlington-Edison Ed-Tech Fair is on April 25th from 4:30 to 6:00PM in the High School PAC. This is open to all students and families. See you there!

Due to police activity in the surrounding neighborhood, the West View and High School Campuses were requested by law enforcement to initiate their lockdown procedure. The district was in close communication with law enforcement throughout the lockdown. The lockdown has now been lifted.

Congratulations to Mr. Pihl's 1st period class. Everyone was present and on time! Students were rewarded with a variety of yummy donuts.
At B-EHS, every day counts, even the short ones. Until next time Tigers...
B-E present and B-E on time!!!

Today I decided to visit all the classes on the perimeter of the campus today. You know, those far off portables and classes that no one ever visits!
Congratulations to Ms. Lightner's 4th period class. Everyone was present and on time! They were rewarded with chocolate chip cookies baked by our fantastic food and photo teacher, Dr. Charles.
Until next time Tigers, B-E present and B-E on time!
Ms. Gray
B-EHS Assistant Principal

Congratulations to Ms. Kreager's 7th period class.
Everyone was present and on time to class and were rewarded with cookies and capri suns.
Until next time Tigers, B-E present and B-E on time.
Ms. Gray, Assistant Principal @ B-EHS

Studies show that what we wear affects how we feel and even how we perform. It’s called “enclothed cognition.” I always offer my test-takers in psych the option of wearing lab coats! A few kids took me up on it!
Cathy Belben, M.Ed. (Ms./she/her/Belbs/ella)
General, Forensic, & AP Psychology
Advisor, BEHS Dungeons and Dragons Club
Member, National Council of Teachers of English
Member, American Psychological Association
Certified NFHS Announcer

There was a single car fire in the parking lot of the high school this morning. Emergency services responded immediately and were able to extinguish the fire. No one was harmed and students are in class.
Esta mañana se produjo un incendio en el estacionamiento de la escuela secundaria. Los servicios de emergencia acudieron inmediatamente y pudieron extinguir el incendio. Nadie resultó herido y los estudiantes están en clase

Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Burlington-Edison, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! - Mantente al día con las actualizaciones de su escuela. Todo Burlington-Edison, en tu bolsillo. ¡Descarga la app si no lo has hecho!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3dinLmt
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3zFXPIL

October 20, 2022
RE: Situation at B-EHS today
Earlier today, there was a report of a weapon on campus at B-EHS. There was a video shared with other students, showing what appeared to be a gun in a backpack. Campus Safety and B-EHS Administration promptly responded to the report.
There was a toy/plastic gun found in a backpack and that was confirmed to be the item in the video that was sent. The item was not real and at no time were students or staff in danger.
Thank you to the staff and students that alerted the front office of this situation. Their diligence is very much appreciated.
Student and staff safety is of the utmost importance and we take reports like these very seriously. Please continue to talk with your students about sharing information with adults regarding potentially dangerous situations. Encourage them to talk with any B-EHS staff member if they see or hear something suspicious.
Students, parents/guardians, and staff can utilize our Vector Alerts tip line by calling or texting 855.714.0195 to anonymously report safety or other concerns at individual schools. Tips can also be emailed to 1377@alert1.us. Tips are investigated and handled internally or forwarded to Burlington Police or Skagit County Sheriff Department, as appropriate.
Thank you,
Jeff Baines
Principal B-ESD
20 de octubre de 2022
RE: Situación en B-EHS el día de hoy
Hoy temprano, hubo un informe de un arma en el campus de B-EHS. Hubo un video compartido con otros estudiantes, que mostraba lo que parecía ser un arma en una mochila. La Seguridad de la Escuela y la Administración de B-EHS respondieron rápidamente al informe.
Se encontró una pistola de plástico/juguete en una mochila y se confirmó que ese era el artículo en el video que se envió. El artículo no era real y en ningún momento los estudiantes o el personal estuvieron en peligro.
Gracias al personal y los estudiantes que alertaron a la oficina principal de esta situación. Su diligencia es muy apreciada.
La seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal es de suma importancia y tomamos informes como estos muy en serio. Por favor continúe hablando con sus estudiantes sobre compartir información con adultos sobre situaciones potencialmente peligrosas. Anímelos a hablar con cualquier miembro del personal de B-EHS si ven o escuchan algo sospechoso.
Los estudiantes, padres/tutores y el personal pueden utilizar nuestra línea de aviso a Alertas de Vectores llamando o enviando un mensaje de texto al 855.714.0195 para informar de forma anónima sobre la seguridad u otras inquietudes en escuelas individuales. La información también se pueden enviar por correo electrónico a 1377@alert1.us. La información se investiga y maneja internamente o se envían a la Policía de Burlington o al Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Skagit, según corresponda.
Jeff Baines
Director de B-ESD

What a great Friday at B-EHS! Our first assembly to hype Battle of the Bridge and an outstanding turn out for the first LSU (Latinx Student Union) meeting of the year.

We're so excited to welcome the Class of 2026 to B-EHS! School begins tomorrow, Wednesday, August 31st at 7:50am.