Dress Code

Inappropriate Dress: It is an established fact that the attire of students has an important influence on the attitude toward learning within any school. Although matters of taste should appropriately be left up to students and their parents, we feel a strong responsibility as a school to provide recommended guidelines for parents and students to use in determining what is and is not appropriate. The key guideline is that dress and grooming should never interfere with anyone’s right to learn or teach or endanger health or safety. Where the nature of a learning activity rules out certain modes of dress and grooming because of health or safety, appropriate standards will be developed and made available to students involved in those activities.


The following general guidelines are designed to allow enough room for individual expression:


  1. Shoes must be worn at all times.

  2. An adequate coverage of the body is required. Halter tops, midriff baring or otherwise revealing tops are inappropriate, as are very short shirts/shorts.

  3. Clothing decorated or marked with illustrations, words, or phrases, which are vulgar or obscene or promote behavior, which violates school conduct standards, is not allowed.

  4. Shorts are allowed as school attire, provided they are loose fitting and of appropriate length for classroom wear.

  5. Clothing needs to be clean and neat.

  6. Hats and sunglasses are not to be worn in the classroom. They may be worn outside the classroom setting.

  7. Exceptions to this policy are allowed in PE areas only.

  8. Student’s pants or shorts should be worn to adequately cover the body and undergarments (excessive sagging or baggy pants are not allowed at school).